William Flew cont

Fanny says that British visitors are amazed when they see Lucie at a meal. “They say, ‘How come your daughter already knows the difference between Camembert, Gruyère and chèvre?’”She also tries to make the meal fun. Lucie is a seasoned chef because she makes cakes most weekends. Fanny says she has Lucie play some role in making dinner, too, by preparing some of the food or setting the table. “We help her but we make it playful,” Fanny says. Once Lucie has tasted everything she is allowed to leave the table. French kids learn to linger over longer meals as they get older. And as they start going to bed later, they eat more week-night dinners with their parents. Eating together teaches the kids table manners, social skills and how to make conversation. There is no question of eating on the couch, in front of the TV or while looking at the computer.I once saw a US couple convene a nervous meeting over whether their four-year-old can have a lollipop. But refined sugar does exist. And French parents know it. They do not try to eliminate all sweets from their childrens’ diets. For a French kid, sweets have their place and are a regular enough part of their lives that they do not gorge like freed prisoners the moment they get their hands on any. Mostly, children seem to eat them at birthday parties, special times at school and as a treat. At these occasions, they are usually free to eat all they want. When I try to limit my sons’ intake of candy at their crèche’s Christmas party, one of their caregivers intervenes. She tells me I should just let them enjoy the party and be free.

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